Field sharing

Share 'commitment', 'added to period', 'baseline sprint' and 'team in the lead' issue fields between programs in a period

Field sharing is available on Ativo Programs for Jira cloud. It is planned to be included in the upcoming Data Center and Server release (version 3.2).

Use case

When programs (ARTs) are using the same period, they might also want to reuse the same 'commitment', 'added to period', 'baseline sprint' and 'team in the lead' issue data between programs. So when an epic is updated on one program board, the same change is done on other program boards.

Example scenario: when multiple programs share the same period, and a commitment level is updated on an epic , then this will also be visible on this epic on other program boards.

This is setting is useful when epics are shared between multiple programs (ARTs), and when the same teams are working on it accross these programs.

Enable field sharing

As a Jira admin, navigate to Jira settings > Manage Apps > Ativo Programs > Fields and enable Field sharing. Click "Save".

The field sharing will take effect only after updates are done to the epics. It will take full effect as from the next period (PI).

External integrations

Field sharing impacts the way how custom Ativo fields are encoded.

If field sharing is enabled, the Ativo field updates are encoded with the period key. Otherwise, they are encoded with the PI key.

Example for the 'program team' field: when the team in the lead is updated to team Lion, this value will be saved as (assuming the program key is PROGONE and the period key 2024Q1) :

  • PROGONE-2024Q1-LION in case of NO field sharing. The specific PI key (PROGONE-2024Q1) is used.

  • 2024Q1-LION in case of field sharing. The period key (2024Q1) is used.

The following custom fields are affected:

  • Program team

  • Program period

  • Program Baseline Sprint

  • Program Commitments

Last updated