Limit permissions of suppliers

Security – limit permissions for suppliers (or other specific groups)

Agile promotes transparency and collaboration with suppliers.

The default approach when working with suppliers in a program is to provide them visibility over the program.

In some cases, this approach is not feasible for compliance or legal reasons.

Sometimes, we want to limit the permissions and visibility a supplier has in a program.

This page explains how we can configure this in Ativo Agile Programs for Jira.


Let’s assume the following example.

A program, called ‘Program Blue‘, has its own set of features (epics).

This program has following teams:

  • Team Lion

  • Team Horse

  • Team Owl

  • Team Rabbit

Each team works with Jira, and has its own project in Jira to plan stories. (It is also possible for teams to share a Jira project).

A supplier, called ‘supplier X‘ is also contributing to the program.


We want to include the deliverables from the supplier in our program plan.

We also want to give the supplier access to Jira, but without providing visibility on the features of the program, or on the stories of the other teams.

Ativo Agile Programs for Jira respects the project permissions of Jira. Users will not see more features or stories via the Ativo plugin than they are allowed to see.

We can hence limit the visibility of a supplier via the Browse Projects permission setting of each Jira project in the program. Regular members of the program will then be able to see the features and stories in the project. Members working for Supplier X will only be able to see the stories in the supplier Jira project.

More information about Jira Project Permissions can be found here.


Before changing the Jira configuration, make sure you have a recent and tested backup of Jira. More information here.

Configuration of groups

Jira promotes the use of roles because it is then easy and flexible for Project Administrators to add persons to their Jira project.

In this case, every member of the program needs to have browse project permissions to each project in the program. To accomplish this, it is probably easier to work with groups.

We start by creating two groups. (Skip this step if you already created user groups in Jira.)

First, we will create a group with all the regular members of the program (excluding members from Supplier X):

Repeat the above step to create a group with all the members working for supplier X who need Jira access.

Setting the permission schemes

We will create two permission schemes. (Skip this step if you already created permission schemes in Jira.)

One scheme sets the permissions of all projects where all regular (non-supplier) members have access to:

  • Jira feature list project

  • Team Lion project

  • Team Rabbit project

  • Team Owl project

  • Team Horse project

To create the scheme:

  • As a Jira administrator, go to Administration > Issues > Permission schemes

  • Click on Add permission scheme, or on Copy to create a new scheme based on an existing one.

  • Click on Remove next to Browse projects . Reduce the permissions so that Supplier X members don’t have access (Be cautious! This could have side-effects later where other eligible persons loose access to the project.)

Repeat the above steps to create a Supplier X permission scheme. Add the SupplierX group, the ProgramBlue group and any other group or role that needs visibility on the plan of Supplier X.

Apply the permission schemes

Now that we’ve created the permission schemes, we can apply them on the relevant projects. Careful, this is the moment persons will loose access if we forgot to include them in the groups. Communicate upfront you are doing this change.

We will first apply the ProgramBlue Permission Scheme to following projects:

  • Program blue feature list

  • Team Lion

  • Team Rabbit

  • Team Owl

  • Team Horse

To apply a permission scheme to a project:

  • As a Jira administrator, go to Projects > View all projects and open the Jira project (e.g. the project of Team Lion)

  • Click on Project Settings > Permissions

  • Click on Actions > Use a different scheme

Repeat this step to associate all projects in the program with the ProgramBlue Permission Scheme.

Then repeat this step to link the project of Supplier X to the Supplier X Permission Scheme.

Program configuration

As a Ativo Program Admin, update the program configuration of Program Blue to also include Supplier X as a team.

  • Go to Programs > Settings > Teams to create the Supplier X team.

  • Select Program Blue program in the left navigation bar.

More information on the configuration of a program, period and team can be found here.

Test the access for normal program members

Regular members of the program should still be able to see all projects and tickets in the program. They should also be able to see the program board and progress planning in Ativo Programs.

Test the access for supplier members

Log in as a member of Supplier X.

Members of Supplier X will not be able to see the projects in the program. Go to Projects > Browse projects to verify that they only see the Supplier X project.

Iterate if needed on the permissions of other projects.

Members of Supplier X will not be able to see the features and stories on the program board. They should only see the names of the programs and periods. Go to Programs , select a program and period, and click on plan.

A permission denied error or fetching issues on url failed (400) error should be visible:

Update tickets as supplier member

Members of Supplier X can edit the tickets of the Supplier X project. They can plan and update a story in a sprint.

Changes to sprint planning will be reflected on the program board.

Members of Supplier X can also set a RAG (Red / Amber / Green flag) and risk/issue description on a story:

  • As a member of Supplier X, locate the story you want to update on the backlog.

  • Click on Edit

  • Select the Program tab

Changes to RAG and RAG comments will be reflected on the program board.


The agile manifesto promotes transparency and a good collaboration with suppliers.

It is nevertheless possible to provide Jira access to a supplier and include his deliverables on an Ativo Program Board, while limiting the visibility on other projects and on the program board.

As a Jira administrator:

  • Ensure a backup is created

  • Isolate the regular program members and members of a supplier in different groups

  • Create permissions schemes for the regular Jira projects and a separate permissions scheme for the project of the supplier

  • Apply the permission schemes to the projects

  • Validate the result

Last updated