Feature backlog

Each program has a backlog list of features (epics). Features are in Jira encoded as Epics. In this documentation, feature and epic terms are used interchangeably.

In an agile environment, you want to plan just-in-time. Nevertheless, some preparation is still needed in order to have an efficient Program planning meeting:

  • Create features

  • Prioritize the features

  • Select features for the next period

  • Break down features in stories

More information on how to do that can be found on this page.

Create features

Features contain major business functionality.

To create a Feature:

  • Click on the Create button in the top menu bar

  • Select the project of the feature

  • Select Epic as issue type (in Jira, features are encoded as epics)

  • Fill in the Epic Name and Summary

Prioritize features

The Product Manager defines the priority of the features within a program.

This priority is visible in a Kanban board. High priority features are on top of the list, lower priority near the bottom.

Add a feature to a period (program increment)

Usually a feature backlog contains too many features to be taken up in one period. A selection of features for the next Period (Program Increment) is done by the business (Product Manager usually) .

To add a feature to a period (program increment):

  • Open the Program (release train) and Period (program Increment)

  • Navigate to the plan view

  • Click on Add epic (top right of screen)

  • Select the features. You can bulk import features via the import tab.

Remove a feature from a period (program increment)

To remove a feature from a program increment, click on the 'X' remove button on the issue in the plan view.

Break features down into stories

Teams prepare themselves for the Program (PI) planning. They define stories (bugs, spikes, ..) for the features.

To create a story and link it to a feature:

  • Navigate to the team in the plan view

  • Fill in the summary and mandatory fields, and click on Create

Note: the fields displayed in this form are based on the filter used to define the scope of the team (and optional additional Program issue and Period issue filters).

Last updated